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So many brilliant ideas. So little time and energy.

I’m Jannie, and I help entrepreneurs with deeply spiritual lives who are overwhelmed with the bigger vision of their work to simplify their offerings and gain momentum in their business that actually makes them money.

Sound nice?

If you’re here, your business is probably off the ground, but there are parts of it that just do not feel right and you’re ready to realign in a way that feels more simple, more clear, more embodied, and more fully committed to the work you feel called to do.



You’ve been trying to make this happen on your own - maybe you watched a webinar or two, but the traction isn't there and the options are many. 


by trying different webinars and maybe a course or two but you really didn’t absorb much because the learning curve is high and there are so many options that all seem viable. But you can’t seem to gain traction and you just do not have the time or energy to try things that may or may not work. Let’s not even get into the guilt you feel for not wanting to spend time on social media (which seems like a total energy drain at this point in your work).


And because you really don't know much about marketing at all, you’re worried you’re going to spend money in all the wrong places and still be looping in this nasty cycle of inspired ideas followed by overwhelm and confusion when it comes time to create or implement them.


And while you very much want support that honors your spiritual life, you’re burnt out on the spiritual woo that doesn’t also balance the practical aspects of running a business.

What your business needs is for you to get clear about what it is that you do and how you offer it. 


You’ve been DOING all the things without really clarifying who you are BEING. And being, is your foundation. It’s the roots of the tree that is your business.

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